
Practice makes perfect.

Simple correlation analysis


Correlation analysis

The correlation heatmap is quite helpful to show correlations between different variables such as contents of compositions.

The example of EU Population Prospects will be used for correlation analysis of Quality of life index.

Load data


data <- read.csv("eu.csv",header = T,stringsAsFactors = T )
dat <- data[,-1]
##     Countries Total.population..thousands. Birth.rate Mortality.rate
## 1     Austria                     9043.070      9.999          9.972
## 2     Belgium                    11632.300     10.659          9.775
## 3      France                    65426.200     10.947          9.460
## 4     Germany                    83900.500      9.464         11.570
## 5  Luxembourg                      634.814     10.355          7.074
## 6 Netherlands                    17173.100     10.119          9.043
##   Life.expectancy Infant.mortality.rate Number.of.children.per.woman
## 1          81.813                 2.578                        1.562
## 2          81.942                 2.482                        1.719
## 3          82.916                 2.773                        1.841
## 4          81.634                 2.471                        1.614
## 5          82.556                 2.556                        1.417
## 6          82.567                 2.201                        1.667
##   Growth.rate Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.
## 1        3.34                                  1761.5
## 2        3.38                                  2276.9
## 3        2.38                                 13796.3
## 4        0.59                                 18438.9
## 5       12.93                                    93.0
## 6        2.23                                  3512.0

Calculation significants and correlations coefficients


res <- rcorr(as.matrix(dat))
# Extract the correlation coefficients

##                                         Total.population..thousands. Birth.rate
## Total.population..thousands.                              1.00000000 -0.1664787
## Birth.rate                                               -0.16647866  1.0000000
## Mortality.rate                                            0.54201100 -0.4354210
## Life.expectancy                                          -0.22762820  0.3436773
## Infant.mortality.rate                                    -0.02444783  0.2414875
## Number.of.children.per.woman                              0.40503563  0.4664838
## Growth.rate                                              -0.48033379  0.2174427
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                   0.99982299 -0.1785649
##                                         Mortality.rate Life.expectancy
## Total.population..thousands.                 0.5420110     -0.22762820
## Birth.rate                                  -0.4354210      0.34367729
## Mortality.rate                               1.0000000     -0.65121537
## Life.expectancy                             -0.6512154      1.00000000
## Infant.mortality.rate                       -0.2913914      0.71768987
## Number.of.children.per.woman                 0.5007717     -0.07491628
## Growth.rate                                 -0.8872834      0.39471555
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.      0.5502695     -0.23449257
##                                         Infant.mortality.rate
## Total.population..thousands.                      -0.02444783
## Birth.rate                                         0.24148750
## Mortality.rate                                    -0.29139140
## Life.expectancy                                    0.71768987
## Infant.mortality.rate                              1.00000000
## Number.of.children.per.woman                      -0.06790686
## Growth.rate                                        0.27830654
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.           -0.02806558
##                                         Number.of.children.per.woman
## Total.population..thousands.                              0.40503563
## Birth.rate                                                0.46648378
## Mortality.rate                                            0.50077173
## Life.expectancy                                          -0.07491628
## Infant.mortality.rate                                    -0.06790686
## Number.of.children.per.woman                              1.00000000
## Growth.rate                                              -0.74128367
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                   0.40127427
##                                         Growth.rate
## Total.population..thousands.             -0.4803338
## Birth.rate                                0.2174427
## Mortality.rate                           -0.8872834
## Life.expectancy                           0.3947155
## Infant.mortality.rate                     0.2783065
## Number.of.children.per.woman             -0.7412837
## Growth.rate                               1.0000000
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.  -0.4835130
##                                         Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.
## Total.population..thousands.                                         0.99982299
## Birth.rate                                                          -0.17856495
## Mortality.rate                                                       0.55026954
## Life.expectancy                                                     -0.23449257
## Infant.mortality.rate                                               -0.02806558
## Number.of.children.per.woman                                         0.40127427
## Growth.rate                                                         -0.48351304
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                              1.00000000
# Extract p-values
##                                         Total.population..thousands. Birth.rate
## Total.population..thousands.                                      NA  0.6935720
## Birth.rate                                              6.935720e-01         NA
## Mortality.rate                                          1.652249e-01  0.2809065
## Life.expectancy                                         5.877110e-01  0.4045485
## Infant.mortality.rate                                   9.541786e-01  0.5645063
## Number.of.children.per.woman                            3.195299e-01  0.2439472
## Growth.rate                                             2.283143e-01  0.6049639
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                 1.386447e-11  0.6722397
##                                         Mortality.rate Life.expectancy
## Total.population..thousands.               0.165224895      0.58771102
## Birth.rate                                 0.280906497      0.40454851
## Mortality.rate                                      NA      0.08026243
## Life.expectancy                            0.080262432              NA
## Infant.mortality.rate                      0.483780501      0.04501218
## Number.of.children.per.woman               0.206218157      0.86005667
## Growth.rate                                0.003284339      0.33318642
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.    0.157599816      0.57617804
##                                         Infant.mortality.rate
## Total.population..thousands.                       0.95417858
## Birth.rate                                         0.56450626
## Mortality.rate                                     0.48378050
## Life.expectancy                                    0.04501218
## Infant.mortality.rate                                      NA
## Number.of.children.per.woman                       0.87306551
## Growth.rate                                        0.50449426
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.            0.94740466
##                                         Number.of.children.per.woman
## Total.population..thousands.                              0.31952989
## Birth.rate                                                0.24394715
## Mortality.rate                                            0.20621816
## Life.expectancy                                           0.86005667
## Infant.mortality.rate                                     0.87306551
## Number.of.children.per.woman                                      NA
## Growth.rate                                               0.03532671
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                   0.32447618
##                                         Growth.rate
## Total.population..thousands.            0.228314326
## Birth.rate                              0.604963872
## Mortality.rate                          0.003284339
## Life.expectancy                         0.333186421
## Infant.mortality.rate                   0.504494257
## Number.of.children.per.woman            0.035326712
## Growth.rate                                      NA
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands. 0.224800623
##                                         Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.
## Total.population..thousands.                                       1.386447e-11
## Birth.rate                                                         6.722397e-01
## Mortality.rate                                                     1.575998e-01
## Life.expectancy                                                    5.761780e-01
## Infant.mortality.rate                                              9.474047e-01
## Number.of.children.per.woman                                       3.244762e-01
## Growth.rate                                                        2.248006e-01
## Population.aged.65.and.more..thousands.                                      NA

Correlation plots


corrplot(res$r, type = "upper", order = "hclust", 
         tl.col = "black", = 45)