Data manipulation with padas
## Load dataset homelessness
homelessness = pd.read_csv('homelessness.csv')
# Print the head of the homelessness data
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members \
0 0 East South Central Alabama 2570.0 864.0
1 1 Pacific Alaska 1434.0 582.0
2 2 Mountain Arizona 7259.0 2606.0
3 3 West South Central Arkansas 2280.0 432.0
4 4 Pacific California 109008.0 20964.0
0 4887681
1 735139
2 7158024
3 3009733
4 39461588
# Print information about homelessness
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 51 entries, 0 to 50
Data columns (total 6 columns):
Unnamed: 0 51 non-null int64
region 51 non-null object
state 51 non-null object
individuals 51 non-null float64
family_members 51 non-null float64
state_pop 51 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 2.5+ KB
# Print the shape of homelessness
(51, 6)
# Print a description of homelessness
Unnamed: 0 individuals family_members state_pop
count 51.000000 51.000000 51.000000 5.100000e+01
mean 25.000000 7225.784314 3504.882353 6.405637e+06
std 14.866069 15991.025083 7805.411811 7.327258e+06
min 0.000000 434.000000 75.000000 5.776010e+05
25% 12.500000 1446.500000 592.000000 1.777414e+06
50% 25.000000 3082.000000 1482.000000 4.461153e+06
75% 37.500000 6781.500000 3196.000000 7.340946e+06
max 50.000000 109008.000000 52070.000000 3.946159e+07
# Print the values of homelessness
# Print the column index of homelessness
# Print the row index of homelessness
[[0 'East South Central' 'Alabama' 2570.0 864.0 4887681]
[1 'Pacific' 'Alaska' 1434.0 582.0 735139]
[2 'Mountain' 'Arizona' 7259.0 2606.0 7158024]
[3 'West South Central' 'Arkansas' 2280.0 432.0 3009733]
[4 'Pacific' 'California' 109008.0 20964.0 39461588]
[5 'Mountain' 'Colorado' 7607.0 3250.0 5691287]
[6 'New England' 'Connecticut' 2280.0 1696.0 3571520]
[7 'South Atlantic' 'Delaware' 708.0 374.0 965479]
[8 'South Atlantic' 'District of Columbia' 3770.0 3134.0 701547]
[9 'South Atlantic' 'Florida' 21443.0 9587.0 21244317]
[10 'South Atlantic' 'Georgia' 6943.0 2556.0 10511131]
[11 'Pacific' 'Hawaii' 4131.0 2399.0 1420593]
[12 'Mountain' 'Idaho' 1297.0 715.0 1750536]
[13 'East North Central' 'Illinois' 6752.0 3891.0 12723071]
[14 'East North Central' 'Indiana' 3776.0 1482.0 6695497]
[15 'West North Central' 'Iowa' 1711.0 1038.0 3148618]
[16 'West North Central' 'Kansas' 1443.0 773.0 2911359]
[17 'East South Central' 'Kentucky' 2735.0 953.0 4461153]
[18 'West South Central' 'Louisiana' 2540.0 519.0 4659690]
[19 'New England' 'Maine' 1450.0 1066.0 1339057]
[20 'South Atlantic' 'Maryland' 4914.0 2230.0 6035802]
[21 'New England' 'Massachusetts' 6811.0 13257.0 6882635]
[22 'East North Central' 'Michigan' 5209.0 3142.0 9984072]
[23 'West North Central' 'Minnesota' 3993.0 3250.0 5606249]
[24 'East South Central' 'Mississippi' 1024.0 328.0 2981020]
[25 'West North Central' 'Missouri' 3776.0 2107.0 6121623]
[26 'Mountain' 'Montana' 983.0 422.0 1060665]
[27 'West North Central' 'Nebraska' 1745.0 676.0 1925614]
[28 'Mountain' 'Nevada' 7058.0 486.0 3027341]
[29 'New England' 'New Hampshire' 835.0 615.0 1353465]
[30 'Mid-Atlantic' 'New Jersey' 6048.0 3350.0 8886025]
[31 'Mountain' 'New Mexico' 1949.0 602.0 2092741]
[32 'Mid-Atlantic' 'New York' 39827.0 52070.0 19530351]
[33 'South Atlantic' 'North Carolina' 6451.0 2817.0 10381615]
[34 'West North Central' 'North Dakota' 467.0 75.0 758080]
[35 'East North Central' 'Ohio' 6929.0 3320.0 11676341]
[36 'West South Central' 'Oklahoma' 2823.0 1048.0 3940235]
[37 'Pacific' 'Oregon' 11139.0 3337.0 4181886]
[38 'Mid-Atlantic' 'Pennsylvania' 8163.0 5349.0 12800922]
[39 'New England' 'Rhode Island' 747.0 354.0 1058287]
[40 'South Atlantic' 'South Carolina' 3082.0 851.0 5084156]
[41 'West North Central' 'South Dakota' 836.0 323.0 878698]
[42 'East South Central' 'Tennessee' 6139.0 1744.0 6771631]
[43 'West South Central' 'Texas' 19199.0 6111.0 28628666]
[44 'Mountain' 'Utah' 1904.0 972.0 3153550]
[45 'New England' 'Vermont' 780.0 511.0 624358]
[46 'South Atlantic' 'Virginia' 3928.0 2047.0 8501286]
[47 'Pacific' 'Washington' 16424.0 5880.0 7523869]
[48 'South Atlantic' 'West Virginia' 1021.0 222.0 1804291]
[49 'East North Central' 'Wisconsin' 2740.0 2167.0 5807406]
[50 'Mountain' 'Wyoming' 434.0 205.0 577601]]
Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'region', 'state', 'individuals', 'family_members',
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=51, step=1)
# Sort homelessness by individual
homelessness_ind = homelessness.sort_values('individuals')
# Print the top few rows
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members \
50 50 Mountain Wyoming 434.0 205.0
34 34 West North Central North Dakota 467.0 75.0
7 7 South Atlantic Delaware 708.0 374.0
39 39 New England Rhode Island 747.0 354.0
45 45 New England Vermont 780.0 511.0
50 577601
34 758080
7 965479
39 1058287
45 624358
# Sort homelessness by descending family members
homelessness_fam = homelessness.sort_values('family_members', ascending=False)
# Print the top few rows
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals \
32 32 Mid-Atlantic New York 39827.0
4 4 Pacific California 109008.0
21 21 New England Massachusetts 6811.0
9 9 South Atlantic Florida 21443.0
43 43 West South Central Texas 19199.0
family_members state_pop
32 52070.0 19530351
4 20964.0 39461588
21 13257.0 6882635
9 9587.0 21244317
43 6111.0 28628666
# Sort homelessness by region, then descending family members
homelessness_reg_fam = homelessness.sort_values(['region','family_members'],ascending=[True,False])
# Print the top few rows
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members \
13 13 East North Central Illinois 6752.0 3891.0
35 35 East North Central Ohio 6929.0 3320.0
22 22 East North Central Michigan 5209.0 3142.0
49 49 East North Central Wisconsin 2740.0 2167.0
14 14 East North Central Indiana 3776.0 1482.0
13 12723071
35 11676341
22 9984072
49 5807406
14 6695497
##Subsetting columns
# Select the individuals column
individuals = homelessness["individuals"]
# Print the head of the result
0 2570.0
1 1434.0
2 7259.0
3 2280.0
4 109008.0
Name: individuals, dtype: float64
# Select the state and family_members columns
state_fam = homelessness[['state','family_members']]
# Print the head of the result
state family_members
0 Alabama 864.0
1 Alaska 582.0
2 Arizona 2606.0
3 Arkansas 432.0
4 California 20964.0
# Select only the individuals and state columns, in that order
ind_state = homelessness[["individuals", "state"]]
# Print the head of the result
individuals state
0 2570.0 Alabama
1 1434.0 Alaska
2 7259.0 Arizona
3 2280.0 Arkansas
4 109008.0 California
# Filter for rows where individuals is greater than 10000
ind_gt_10k = homelessness[homelessness["individuals"] > 10000]
# See the result
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members \
4 4 Pacific California 109008.0 20964.0
9 9 South Atlantic Florida 21443.0 9587.0
32 32 Mid-Atlantic New York 39827.0 52070.0
37 37 Pacific Oregon 11139.0 3337.0
43 43 West South Central Texas 19199.0 6111.0
47 47 Pacific Washington 16424.0 5880.0
4 39461588
9 21244317
32 19530351
37 4181886
43 28628666
47 7523869
# Filter for rows where region is Mountain
mountain_reg = homelessness[homelessness["region"] == "Mountain"]
# See the result
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members state_pop
2 2 Mountain Arizona 7259.0 2606.0 7158024
5 5 Mountain Colorado 7607.0 3250.0 5691287
12 12 Mountain Idaho 1297.0 715.0 1750536
26 26 Mountain Montana 983.0 422.0 1060665
28 28 Mountain Nevada 7058.0 486.0 3027341
31 31 Mountain New Mexico 1949.0 602.0 2092741
44 44 Mountain Utah 1904.0 972.0 3153550
50 50 Mountain Wyoming 434.0 205.0 577601
# Filter for rows where family_members is less than 1000
# and region is Pacific
fam_lt_1k_pac = homelessness[(homelessness["family_members"] < 1000) & (homelessness["region"] == "Pacific")]
# See the result
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals family_members state_pop
1 1 Pacific Alaska 1434.0 582.0 735139
#Subsetting rows by categorical variables
# Subset for rows in South Atlantic or Mid-Atlantic regions
A = homelessness["region"].isin(["South Atlantic", "Mid-Atlantic"])
south_mid_atlantic = homelessness[A]
# See the result
Unnamed: 0 region state individuals \
7 7 South Atlantic Delaware 708.0
8 8 South Atlantic District of Columbia 3770.0
9 9 South Atlantic Florida 21443.0
10 10 South Atlantic Georgia 6943.0
20 20 South Atlantic Maryland 4914.0
30 30 Mid-Atlantic New Jersey 6048.0
32 32 Mid-Atlantic New York 39827.0
33 33 South Atlantic North Carolina 6451.0
38 38 Mid-Atlantic Pennsylvania 8163.0
40 40 South Atlantic South Carolina 3082.0
46 46 South Atlantic Virginia 3928.0
48 48 South Atlantic West Virginia 1021.0
family_members state_pop
7 374.0 965479
8 3134.0 701547
9 9587.0 21244317
10 2556.0 10511131
20 2230.0 6035802
30 3350.0 8886025
32 52070.0 19530351
33 2817.0 10381615
38 5349.0 12800922
40 851.0 5084156
46 2047.0 8501286
48 222.0 1804291