
Practice makes perfect.

Principal component analysis


Principal component analysis(PCA)

From this section, the machine learning will be discussed by foods data, the data from Mid-infrared spectroscopy will be used for Geographical origin of Extra Virgin Olive Oils (Quadram open dataset,2003).

Load dataset

## Load date

oil <- read.csv('FTIR_Spectra_olive_oils.csv',header = F, 
                stringsAsFactors = T)

##                V1          V2          V3          V4          V5
## 1  Sample Number:           1           1           2           2
## 2     Group Code:           1           1           1           1
## 3     Wavenumbers      Greece      Greece      Greece      Greece
## 4         798.892 0.127523009 0.126498181 0.130411785 0.130022227
## 5        800.8215 0.127949615 0.127130974 0.130675401 0.130406662
## 6         802.751 0.129282219 0.128510777  0.13201661 0.132018029
## 7        804.6805 0.131174169  0.13033991 0.133824061 0.134007275
## 8          806.61 0.133590328 0.132527221 0.136095296 0.136270568
## 9        808.5395 0.136425525 0.135308508 0.138943757  0.13887477
## 10        810.469 0.139357827  0.13835292 0.141722779 0.141481132

Data wrangling

The raw data form are not suitable for R programming, therefore we need to transpose it to suitable form.

## data transpose
oil_transpose <-

##                 V1          V2          V3          V4          V5
## V1  Sample Number: Group Code: Wavenumbers     798.892    800.8215
## V2               1           1      Greece 0.127523009 0.127949615
## V3               1           1      Greece 0.126498181 0.127130974
## V4               2           1      Greece 0.130411785 0.130675401
## V5               2           1      Greece 0.130022227 0.130406662
## V6               3           1      Greece 0.128601989 0.128789565
## V7               3           1      Greece 0.128217254 0.128282253
## V8               4           1      Greece 0.126174933 0.126732773
## V9               4           1      Greece 0.126466053 0.126915413
## V10              5           1      Greece 0.127060105 0.127551128
## rename some col names to make data analysis easier

oil_transpose <- oil_transpose[-1,]
oil_transpose <- rename(oil_transpose,c("Group" ="Group Code:",
                                        "Number" ="Sample Number:",
                                        "Countries" ="Wavenumbers"))
## Get transposed dataset <- oil_transpose

##     Number Group Countries     798.892    800.8215
## V2       1     1    Greece 0.127523009 0.127949615
## V3       1     1    Greece 0.126498181 0.127130974
## V4       2     1    Greece 0.130411785 0.130675401
## V5       2     1    Greece 0.130022227 0.130406662
## V6       3     1    Greece 0.128601989 0.128789565
## V7       3     1    Greece 0.128217254 0.128282253
## V8       4     1    Greece 0.126174933 0.126732773
## V9       4     1    Greece 0.126466053 0.126915413
## V10      5     1    Greece 0.127060105 0.127551128
## V11      5     1    Greece 0.126812707 0.127460743

Principal Component Analysis

The PCA is used to reduce the dimensionality of the spectral value, and initially explore the distribution of the sample.

The original data and related transformated data (MSC, SNV and Savitzky-Golay filtering) are used to obtain the PCA plots.


Raw data PCA

Have a look at spectral of different pre-processing for MIR.

colors = c("#CD0000", "#EE7600", "#FFFF00", "#008B45")
col <- as.factor($Countries)
group <- c("Greece","Italy","Portuga", "Spain")

RAW spectral

raw_spc <-[,4:573]

x <- as.numeric(colnames(raw_spc))
y <- t(raw_spc[ , ])


matplot(x, y,col = colors,
        type = 'l', lty = 1,
        xlab = 'Wavelength (nm)', ylab = 'Absorbance',main = "Raw",
        font.lab = 1,
        cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab=2)
       title = "Country",
       xpd = F,ncol = 1,
       legend = group,
       col = col,
       fill = colors,
       bty = "n",
       cex = 1.5,
       text.col = "black", text.font = 1,
       horiz = F)

p1 <- recordPlot()
df_raw <-[,4:573]

df <-, 2, as.numeric))
##      798.892  800.8215   802.751  804.6805    806.61
## 1  0.1275230 0.1279496 0.1292822 0.1311742 0.1335903
## 2  0.1264982 0.1271310 0.1285108 0.1303399 0.1325272
## 3  0.1304118 0.1306754 0.1320166 0.1338241 0.1360953
## 4  0.1300222 0.1304067 0.1320180 0.1340073 0.1362706
## 5  0.1286020 0.1287896 0.1300223 0.1320119 0.1344266
## 6  0.1282173 0.1282823 0.1296366 0.1317986 0.1340615
## 7  0.1261749 0.1267328 0.1282438 0.1298927 0.1317546
## 8  0.1264661 0.1269154 0.1282541 0.1299583 0.1320672
## 9  0.1270601 0.1275511 0.1289000 0.1306090 0.1329558
## 10 0.1268127 0.1274607 0.1287653 0.1306390 0.1331313

Standard Normal Variate

df_snv <- standardNormalVariate(df)

oil.snv <- cbind([,1:3], df)

SNV spectral

x <- as.numeric(colnames(oil.snv))
y <- t(oil.snv[ , ])


matplot(x, y,col = colors, ylim = c(0,2),
        type = 'l', lty = 1,
        xlab = 'Wavelength (nm)', ylab = 'Absorbance',main = "SNV",
        font.lab = 1,
        cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab=2)
       title = "Country",
       xpd = F,ncol = 1,
       legend = group,
       col = col,
       fill = colors,
       bty = "n",
       cex = 1.5,
       text.col = "black", text.font = 1,
       horiz = F)

p3 <- recordPlot()


The PCA plot of SNV Spectral

oil.snv.pca <- PCA(oil.snv[,4:563],scale.unit = TRUE,ncp = 5,graph = TRUE)
g3 <- fviz_pca_ind(oil.snv.pca, geom.ind = "point",
                   col.ind = oil.snv$Countries, # color by groups
                   palette = 'jco',
                   addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.type = "convex",
                   legend.title = "Groups")+
  ggtitle("Oil - geographical-SNV")
